
Tavern of Dreams - A Luminous Ages Tale

Created by Anthony Christou

"Night at the Museum" meets "Lord of the Rings" in this illustrated novel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book is Done just proofing and paintovers this week Press run starts August 6 Plus special review blurb is coming
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Aug 02, 2021 at 12:46:55 PM


Great news the whole book is written all of it with a great ending I feel. I am just in stages of doing lots of proofing and many friends, family members and staff are proofing it. The book has 51 illustrations! WOW! NO WONDER it took another month! So your getting about a 148 page book all part of the stretch goals.

Also Tyler James from Comixtribe Publishing is writing a blurb/review on the back of the book coming on wednesday. Also Stephen Ormsby is writing the main blurb.

I am going to send you the first final draft for you all to start reading I would love to know what you think I am still running a competition and now decided to give away FOUR FREE PUZZLES if you can tell me what character you liked the most and why. Also if you can tell if if you thought the ending was unexpected and why or what you thought the cause of the curse was?

I had information on my last update so please check it out.


Th Luminary God The Ahura Mazda ( Zoroaster)

Some Art from Tavern of Dreams
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 04:57:31 PM

Art Update  and Book Progress

For those that do not know most of Australia's eastern states and my city Adelaide is in lockdown. Nothing much has changed for me in terms of work I have just really been working harder as I have no distractions like family or friends visiting which is an artists heaven we love our isolation to a degree. Especially when we are creating. Stephen Ormsby my editor is also in lockdown and he is editing the last chapters for me I am up to the last 2 chapters making them read better and making sure the ending is awesome. Their is such a cool plot twist I think all Luminous Ages fans will love. 

I am on track to have the book done by the end of July and printing early August.

Anyway I thought I would share some more of the art here for you all to check out.

Amren and his encounter defending the tavern
Gorthum the Collector
Ghost invader
Icelyn the Owl guarding the tavern from above

The book is nearing Completion first 100 pages is here for fans to read!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 04:16:19 PM

Tavern of Dreams Update, first 100 pages released digitally


Hey folks just wanted to give you all some updates regarding the Tavern of Dreams book the puzzles and the reprint of the graphic novel I have some lots of cool news.  I also have some annoying news!

So firstly I want to let you know fans that booked the softcover graphic novel I am now upgrading your tier to make the book a hard cover and foil printed book. This is at no extra costs to Kickstarter fans. I have done this as I have run out of graphic novels and my printer offered me a great deal on printing.

It has a brand new cover check out how cool this is and just picture the foil on the front!

If you want to pre-order one of these they will be in for my birthday August 20 ill take some to the Barossa Medieval fair but you can pre-order your hard cover final edited remastered version here if you did not order one on kickstarter:

Luminous Ages Graphic Novel new Hardcover 5 year anniversary edition foil lettering!

Shipping Delays

So as you all know I have paid for the Tavern of Dreams puzzles, gaming mats and I have even placed the order for the t-shirts. I have also sent the graphic novel to print as of Monday this week and I am in the process of still editing the Tavern of Dreams book and creating ten extra artworks to add into the chapters to make this book awesome. The book also has an even better ending than I planned so the book is a little bigger at no extra cost to you.  I will be sending it to the press in coming weeks once we do all the editing to make sure its close to perfection. 

I have been talking to China regarding the books and although they can make the books fast their is a massive issue at the docks China does not have enough shipping containers as they all went out to people over covid and many have not returned to docks in China. So shipping is delayed and slowed down dramatically!!!!

So for instance the puzzle was made June 10 in fact I had some at Supanova Sydney but it has taken an entire month and only now JULY 14 500 units of the puzzle have made it safely on a boat and are on the way to Adelaide by Apparently August 19 not sure how it will ship by boat in a month but it will apparently. 

Even my book manufacturer has said that their will be delays in shipping by boat not only this the cost as gone up from $600 usd for a container to $1600usd and I unfortunately have to wear that cost!!


So tavern of dreams the physical copies will be delayed. I am thinking of paying $1000usd to ship by air 130 copies of tavern of dreams to send out orders but even by air their is a 15-20 day wait so they sitll wont get here til Late September if it is sooner Ill let you all know trust me I will be screaming with joy.

I am hoping that local events like Avcon and Barossa Medieval fair and even some of my art commissions funds from customers and clients can help to pay for the air shipment of the books to have it hear by september. 

However I will have the final book digitally ready in early August for all to read I have also sent you all a private message and a digital copy of the first 100 pages to start reading


The next kickstarter Baize and the book of monsters Graphic novel and monster rpg 5th edition soft cover book!

So I am hoping to launch the next kickstarter which is a luminous ages graphic novel anthology. It is about the Baize one of the Gods in the series and the book of monsters. Evil has seized the Book of monsters the god artefact and portals have opened up in Adaross a city in the Luminous Ages world. Many creators are submitting pages to this anthology and it will be exciting to release the next book in the Luminous Ages series further revealing the next GOD ARTEFACT AND more about the BEAST GOD Which happens to be the BAIZE ALSO the Raiju in the series.  Not only this I plan to release a small 30 page monster manual  fifth edition style book for d&d players. It will be 

I would like to know from fans if their is a delay in getting the tavern of dreams book to you due to covid and shipping issues are you still likely to back the new graphic novel and mini soft cover monster rpg book for D&D fIfth edition. It will be titled "Fragment of the Baizetu" (Book of monsters) This is to prepare for next years massive BAIZE TU RELEASE huge book of monsters for d&d!

Anyway the latest the books may be shipped to you is during the next campaigin Oct5- nov 29. I just need to know if you are likely to still back me even due to the shipping issues.  I have a little google form survey if you can kindly fill it out helps me so much. Thank you for your understanding in these challenging times. Also keep in mind if my August events and september events dont get canceled I plan to pay for air shipping around $1000 usd to ship 130 copies of tavern of dreams by Sept 14 to ship it if I can afford it.

If you can copy this link into your browser and fill it out it is much appreciated.

P.S I AM SENDING YOU a message after this post with the google form and the first 100 pages of the TAVERN OF DREAMS DIGITAL EDITION WITH ILLUSTRATIONS!!!


So as a thank you for your patience in advance I am running a competition for kickstarter backers and my patreon fans. If you can please read the first 100 pages of the TAVERN OF Dreams!

I would like to know the following after you read it. Please tell me what you like about it the most and characters you are interested in. Also I would like to know what you think is causing the curse upon the tavern. You can be creative with the answer so let me know. You can email me at [email protected]

3 fans will win three luminous ages puzzles that were released in kmart each!!!

one of the three puzzles I am giving away

Again thank you for your patience and understanding I cannot wait for this book to be out to you all.

Kind regards,

Anthony Christou

If you haven't already please fill out your Backerkit Survey!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 12:29:33 AM

Just a friendly reminder, there are still some people who have not filled in their Backerkit Survey.  Without this survey we can't send you your rewards so it's very important. In the case of custom items like gaming mats and t-shirts it's also important to get it done as soon as possible so we can make sure to order the right design/size for you. 

It's very quick and easy so please fill it in.

Backerkit Surveys & Book Update, coins and puzzles!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 03:35:24 PM

Book Timeline on track

So this is probably the biggest kickstarter I have done in a while and I have a few commissions to finish and the book is coming along well. We unlocked so many new artworks for the book and I am on track to have the book finished and to the printers sometime between July 15-23. I have spoken with the factory and they will print it as fast as they can and for Kick starter fans I will pay for airfreight of 200 books to have them in by the end of August to ship out to all fans.  I will start to process all the t-shirts orders with my helpers and other products over July. If people ordered things not related to the book they will get their order first and fans who ordered the book and extras will get it all shipped together to avoid confusion with my staff and fulfillment.  My goal is to have it out of the way by early September and in your hands to read as the next book is coming to kickstarter in October! I have something even more epic in the works. For Dungeons and Dragons fans, Luminous Ages Lovers and Comic book lovers! Yes I am returning to comic book form for the next book!

In the meantime can you please fill out your survey on backerkit almost 82% have done it and you can also pick up any extra goodies if you want them. If you cannot access backerkit I can communicate and sort out your order through

Coins and Puzzles are in and ready to ship with the book 

Good news all the puzzles are made and we are in the process of having them shipped by boat. Also 50 have been shipped by air and I have put aside 25 puzzles for Kickstarter order. If you ordered the puzzle alone it is likely that you will get it in July or even the next few weeks once we start sorting through backerkit surveys and orders. The puzzles are amazingly good quality. 

The coins are also in and look amazing please dont mind the blury shots.